Susana Castro-Kemp completed a PhD in Psychology (Education and Child Development) at Porto University (Portugal) jointly with the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (United States of America), and with funding from the European Commision (Foundation for Science and Technology) and from the Global Education and Development Studies fund.
Her research interests lie on inclusion of children with special educational needs and disabilities, education policy and its translation into education practice, early childhood development and learning, mental health and wellbeing in childhood and functional approaches to developmental disabilties.
She has a track record of excellent publications in these areas and has led a number of projects as Principal Investigator, with funders such as the European Commission, the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and the Froebel Trust.
Dr Castro-Kemp joined the Institute of Education (IOE), University College London (UCL), as an Associate Professor in Psychology and Special Needs (Department of Psychology and Human Development). Before joining UCL, she was a Reader in Education at Roehampton University (London, UK), where she worked for 8 years.
Before this she worked as a research and assistant psychologist (early childhood intervention) at Porto University.
She also holds an affiliation as Research Associate at the University of Pretoria, Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (South Africa).
Twitter: @SCastro_Kemp